School is judged to be ‘Good’ in all areas
A Middlesbrough primary school has been judged to be ‘good’ in all areas following a recent Ofsted inspection.
Four inspectors visited Ayresome Primary School in the centre of Middlesbrough in May of this year as part of its national inspection programme.
In her report, Lead Inspector Kate Morris, said: “Leaders are determined that all pupils feel included and succeed at Ayresome Primary School. New pupils are met with a warm welcome by staff and fellow pupils. They settle in quickly and soon feel part of the school community.
“Pupils behave well in lessons. Around school, pupils are very polite and well-mannered. Bullying rarely occurs. When it does, staff act quickly and effectively to resolve it.
“Leaders have prioritised reading throughout the curriculum. Pupils told inspectors that they enjoy reading. One pupil simply commented, ‘Books fall open, you fall in,’ when asked what they like about reading.”
The report goes on to praise teaching.
“Teachers have strong subject knowledge and value the professional development offered to them. In most subjects, teachers check pupils’ understanding regularly. They know the starting point of pupils and can fill any gaps in knowledge effectively.
“Teachers are proud to be part of Ayresome Primary school.”
The report continues: “Leaders are ambitious for all pupils to achieve well, including pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).
“Pupils are enthusiastic in their learning. The positive, caring ethos contributes to a settled school environment.
“Leaders have carefully considered pupils’ wider development. Pupils learn about a range of faiths and cultures. They appreciate the importance of equality and show respect for the beliefs and opinions of others. Pupils feel listened to by leaders.
“Trustees and leaders have an accurate understanding of the strengths of the school. They know what actions are needed to make improvements.”
Charlotte Haylock, Headteacher of Ayresome Primary School, said: “Our school community are thrilled that Ayresome has now been recognised as a ‘good’ school by Ofsted to affirm what parents, staff and our children believed.
“We are delighted that our rapid improvements have shown some huge strides forward and that our quality of education offers all of our children a school that they are rightly proud of.”
Ayresome is one of eight primary schools across Teesside under the umbrella of Ad Astra Academy Trust. The others are Barnard Grove, Brougham, West Park and West View in Hartlepool, Rosebrook and Crooksbarn in Stockton-on-Tees and Sunnyside in Middlesbrough.
Andy Brown OBE, Chief Executive Officer of Ad Astra Academy Trust, said: “In the ten years prior to joining Ad Astra Academy Trust, Ayresome had three Ofsted inspections, and none were judged to be ‘good’.
“Ayresome has made significant progress in recent times, and this is testament to the leadership of the school and the staff that have committed themselves to this great community.
“The hard work of everyone associated with Ayresome Primary School is reflected in this report and I am immensely proud.”
Ayresome has 721 pupils on the school roll between the ages of two and 11.
Ad Astra Academy Trust was formed in 2015 and over the last eight years has grown across the Tees Valley, providing education for over 3,500 pupils and 525 employees in Middlesbrough, Stockton-on-Tees and Hartlepool.
Charlotte Haylock, Headteacher of Ayresome Primary School celebrates the Ofsted report with pupils